I took Mia to Disney Sea on Friday. She was brave on Tower of Terror, and wasn't even very scared this time!

haha I luv the wig and how he looks so fake! It looks like he's painted on there! I compared him to the real thing, and they look a lot alike! scary!

So of course we had to go see Ariel at her Greeting Grotto. Good thing she was covered up for winter! Mia didn't tell her that Eric loved her, and when I asked Mia about it later, she said it was because she was too embarassed.
Today was my last day of Seminary at church! Hooray! I graduated! I recited all 25 of my BOM master scriptures today, so I will get an award! My brain is fried from that, and I'm very proud of myself! anyone who comments has to congratualte me! lol
I've been busy with my school work this week, but I'm almost done with those classes so I only have to study for my exams.
I'm reading Eragon right now, and I'm so in love! It's more descriptive than the movie (of course), but not in an annoying way. But there are parts that I like about the movie more like how Eragon is 17 in the movie, and 15 in the book, and Brom isn't so old in the movie etc. I keep searching for clues about the theory I heard that Brom is his dad. Like the quote:
Eragon: Did you know my mother?
Brom: Enough to miss her when she was gone.
We had crepes for dinner tonight!!! Squee! Happy Lexi!!!
My mom and dad are going to Guam for a honeymoon-date thingy for 5 days. It's not their anniversary or anything, it's just my dad's Christmas present to my mom. My dad's younger sister Emily is coming from Utah to babysit us while they're gone. The rents were really supposed to go at the end of January, but because of that new passport law in the US, Emily's passport didn't come in time, so she's finally coming TOMORROW!!! Another SQUEE OF JOY!!! We like to call her Aunty Em like on the Wizard of Oz.

Vanessa Anne Hudgens
(above: looks like Stephen & Jordan had a happy Valentine's Day!)
Here's Ashley Tisdale on Good Morning America - 2/6/2007
this prince eric is just like eric. amazing.
jordan ookikunattane-!!!!!!
i can't believe it!! ヽ(゚Д゚;)ノ!!
BTW the guy in a pic of the bottom and right of this column looks like koike teppei with blue eyes, doesn't he?
I know. I was a little bit freaked out about the prince Eric thing.
Jordan was so grown up last summer - and his voice sounded just like Stephen's, and they were like the same height so it was hard to tell them apart!
I don't really know Koike Teppei is, but this is Zac Efron from High School Musical! I'm so in love with him!
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