Remember I told you Sunday was an interesting day? Well let me tell you about it. I got to church early for seminary, and Sis. Ochiai was just trying to be nice by giving us each a snack, but it was just a temptation because it was Fast Sunday. And Sis. Ochiai told us a parable. She asked us what happens when we eat food. Mana said we digest it. But that wasn't enough for Sis. Ochiai. We all knew what comes after digestion, but we couldn't bring it out into words. And then I almost burst out laughing because Maika had to stammer "It...it comes out". I had to pinch myself to keep that laugh in. It ended up that Sis. Ochiai wanted us to say the food nourishes our bodies. The 3 of us were shaking for a while after that. And our Sunday School teacher didn't show up, so we just hung out for an hour. And Tashi had a goal to finishher Personal Progress before her 14th birthday, and she finished it on the day. Yay Tashi! She finished it while she was still a Beehive! But then our presidency told Tashi that she had to do it all over again...what?!
Monday, yesterday, I went to work with Daddy as an intern haha. I wore nice clothes and everything. I just did my schoolwork at his office. We got to go to an east Indian restaraunte! OMG it was so good. Something about naan dipped in a thin brothy, chicken curry...makes you feel like you're in heaven. But if that chicken curry was mild...what was medium and hot? And I got to go to a candidate meeting with my dad at Kobeya. I got to eat gelato...and the chocolate that Naho gave me...it was a yum yum day. Maybe I'll go to work with dad more often! hee hee
Tashi made lemon poppyseed bread for family home evening dessert, and we just played a game of Boggle. Good game. Even Mia and Noah can play it because they just write down the letters that they find.
Today, Tueday, I did my schoolwork 'til noon, and then Mana and Maika came over at 1 pm to practice OK!go. But it ended up that we danced more High School Musical, played Clue, and watched The Others than practice. Well, it was fun. I loved the movie The Others because it was scary, but not gorey. And that surprise ending...whoah! Mana had an ortho appointment at 5 pm, and it took them an hour both ways on their bikes, so they left at 4 pm. I had to go teach English at 4 pm too, so it worked out perfectly. Noah and Yuu-chan got along better today. Next week I'm planning on taking Mia. We'll see how that goes. Mom also rented Over the Hedge, and War of the Worlds. We started watching Over the Hedge tonight, and I like it so far. We'll have to see if the rents will let me watch the latter.
Update - I bought Eragon (Inheritance), and it came in the mail on Sunday. In a way I'm excited to read it, to get more details and such, but in a way I'm afraid to read because it might make me disappointed in the movie.
I also finished my English portfolio assignment, and sent it in (See my to-do list in the sidebar).
Actually, I've also bought those shorts that I wanted from American Eagle, but I sent them to my Aunty Em so that she can bring them with her when she comes to Japan (whenever her passport finally arrives)! So hopefully I will get them soon. But of course I'll be more excited to see my Aunty Em.
Oh, and I changed the layout to Pride & Prejudice - also on my favorite movies list - for Valentine's Day. It's a perfect movie for that holiday. Oh, and I changed the song - look on the sidebar!
My dad and mom both have blogs now! So 2/3rds - 4 people in my family have blogs! Check 'em out if you have the time!
* My dad - Tokyo Commuter - A headhunter commuting in Tokyo, hunting for the best heads. And wasting time blogging.
* My mom - Hearts Full of Joy - on the joys of quilting, antiques, motherhood, adoption, life in Japan and much more
* Tashi - *tashtash* - Warning! There is a highly addictive game on her blog!

Favorite Food
Cream cheese or butter
Pancakes or waffles
French toast sticks or slices
Lucky Charms or Count Chocula
Fruity Pebbles or Cocoa Pebbles
Frosted Flakes or Corn Flakes
Instant oatmeal or oatmeal from the can
Fruit and Cream Oatmeal or Maple Brown Sugar Oatmeal
Cantaloupe or watermelon
Orange juice or apple juice
Yoplait or Dannon yogurt
Caesar salad or house salad
Macaroni salad or potato salad
Dark chocolate or milk chocolate
Bagels or croissants
I had so fun!
What is the game's name?
what game?
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