I would just like to tell my dad how much I love him. I wasn't able to spend Father's Day with him. I even forgot to send him a card.
But me and Tashi did go in on buying him a white iPhone 4.

I'm jealous. Well, maybe not because paying for a data plan doens't sound like too much fun right now haha
But anways, it felt nice to buy him something that he actually wanted (and I didn't buy him TOMS! I am a little original). It's just sad that I onlt called him, because it's the first Father's Day I didn't spend with him. I wanted to Skype with him but then we realized our hand-me-down ghetto laptop doesn't have a webcam or microphone. Poo.
At least I was able to call him, but like my dad said, a long time ago a Father's Day call was a big deal, but now I call my family a few times a week anyways. I love him and miss him. He gave me lots of good financial and marital advice before I got married and I plan to apply it. He's helped many businessmen become very successful with his advice. I know he loves me and my mom. I'm thankful my parents are still married and that they set a good example of a happy marriage for me.
I hope I can become as "love-birdy" as them someday. I hope I can make my kids as happy as he made me one day. He's a good, hard-working dad, like Bear. I'm proud to talk about him. I'm proud to call him my father.
Love you, daddy schmoopsie!
If you want to see a blog post back from March 2007 about my dad with some cute pictures and "Why a Daughter Needs a Dad", click HERE
And if you want to go to his blog, click HERE
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