I've been tagged by Gloria!!!
So here it goes:
10 years ago...
I had just turned 6. We were living in Utah. I had just learned to ride my bike for my birthday. I was passing off my first piano solo at my piano class, my grandma and grandpa's dog, Maggie, had just had puppies. We went and stayed up in Grandma and Grandpa's condo as a family, and we saw our first real snow in the mountains.
5 years ago...
I had jsut turned 11. We were getting ready to move to Chiba. We were moving out of our English stake, into a local Japanese stake. I was going to change schools, new house...I have some happy memories of that time. All of our goodbye parties...
1 year ago...
I took purikura with Maika, we started thinking up a plot for our
mutual conference video (the one where the sister missionaries get kidnapped), and filmed it at the Nakano ward building. We filmed it all day on a holiday. Good times. I can't believe it's been a year since we filmed it though. Mana was the director, Yoshiaki was the camera man (and he's on his mission in Vancouver now), Bishop Kawaminami added the special effects and put the movie together...we dominated at mutual conference. Oh, and Hannah Montana premiered on Disney Channel Japan. I was so excited. Tells you how much things have changed in a year. I don't have time to watch TV anymore. It doesn't even appeal to me. I haven't watched Hannah Montana in a few months anyway. Or any TV for that matter.
1 day ago...
Tuesday night we had Youth Court, and a BBQ after that. Then Bourn, Baby Rass aka Josh, Mike and Sam came and watched Work and the Glory 2. We call him baby Rass because his dad is the seminary teacher, and he looks just like his dad, Brother Rasmussen. Yesterday, Wednesnday, we had a Cross Country meet in Delta. Next Wednesday's region, and if I get in the top 7 of the girls on our team, I get to run at state in Sugar House Park in Salt Lake the Wednesday after that...pressure....Daddy, Mia, and Noah came to watch me and Tashi run. Then I went home, and went to mutual where me and Tashi talked about Japan for the whole night. I was tired.
5 places I'd rather be...
If you don't know what I'd do, you don't know me well enough...I'd shop my guts out...duh!!!
5 people to tag...
Mommy, Tashi, Kennedy, Maika, Chie

1 day ago...
Tuesday night we had Youth Court, and a BBQ after that. Then Bourn, Baby Rass aka Josh, Mike and Sam came and watched Work and the Glory 2. We call him baby Rass because his dad is the seminary teacher, and he looks just like his dad, Brother Rasmussen. Yesterday, Wednesnday, we had a Cross Country meet in Delta. Next Wednesday's region, and if I get in the top 7 of the girls on our team, I get to run at state in Sugar House Park in Salt Lake the Wednesday after that...pressure....Daddy, Mia, and Noah came to watch me and Tashi run. Then I went home, and went to mutual where me and Tashi talked about Japan for the whole night. I was tired.
5 places I'd rather be...
- My house and my room in Japan
- Kasai Ward/Tokyo Stake
- Maika's house
- At the mall in Provo or Salt Lake shopping my guts out
- Taking purikura
- A snickers bar or chocolate of anykind...it makes my clothes shrink
- Rootbeer or lemonade - I could drink them all day
- Nori-ume (those seaweed and pickled plum sandwiches
- Dang it I'm missing all Japanese food right now...
- Lay's salt and vinegar potato chips
If you don't know what I'd do, you don't know me well enough...I'd shop my guts out...duh!!!
5 people to tag...
Mommy, Tashi, Kennedy, Maika, Chie
Good luck at region cross country! Let me know if you make it to state, so that I can come and watch. Sugarhouse Park isn't too far from us. :)
hey well theres some stuff i did not know
Hey, I ran into "Baby Rass" aunt, Kim Rasmussen, at Jo-Ann's store on Monday. I told her that Josh is a friend of my nieces (as I assume he is, after reading your post about him coming over to watch a movie). Anyway, Kim and Hans Rasmussen (Bro. Rasmussen's older brother) live behind Grandma Challis. And when we lived there, too, Emma and Chelsea Rasmussen used to babysit Hannah. So now you can tell Josh that his cousins used to babysit your cousin! What a small world it is.
Have you told Brother Rasmussen 'hi' for me yet?
Yes. I have said hi for you.
OMG what a small world. Bro. Rasmussen used to teach seminary to Gina and Emily too. I'm a little bit weirded out
Your baby Rass story reminded me of when I had a good friend in High School named, Lon Herget. All of his brothers names started with "L." When I was a junior and Lon was a senior I noticed this Sophmore that looked like he could be a little Herget. He was. He was Landon Herget. We became friends too and I always called him "little Herget."
Do you drink soda now that you are running? I know a lot of runners think it cuts down your breathing capacity or something. I stopped soda a month ago and feel a lot better. I do miss it sometimes.
I like your little journey thru time there. That pic of you at six is just how I remember you. So cute!! It is really weird to think of where you were a year ago. You never would have suspected you'd be where you are now and like it.
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