I had so much fun this 4th of July! Last year's was pretty fun too, but I was starting to stress out about going back home to Japan in a few days.
(above: Tashi, Eden, Gina, and Jessica M.)
But this year, I might have had a little bit too much fun! The night before we stayed up playing night games. I love hanging out with my friends. My mom's baby sister Micaela and her husband and 2 daughters came to stay over because Mic had her 5th year high school reunion down here.
(above: clock wise from Tashi: Jessica M., Sam, Noah, Gina, me, and Eden)So me and Tashi woke up early and saved our seats for the parade. The rest of our family got here including Mic, and we all watched the parade. It wasn't as good as last year. We got to sit with the Kershisniks for part of it, inside the dance studio with air conditioning! Ahhhhhh...(sigh on contentment)
(above: the jugglers and their screaming fans: me, Noah, Gina, and Sam)
After the parade, we all went to the booths in the park. I didn't play any games, but I bought a lot of Foooooood! Navajo tacos, Texas Twisters, and Funnel Cakes. I get them every year. It's not the 4th of July without a Texas Twister!!! So we just laid around on the grass eating and talking.
(above: everybody in the hotub: Kelton, me, Jessica W., Eden, Tashi, Cortney, Sam, Noah)
Then they were going to make a rounders team (pioneer baseball). But I had to go to work for 3 hours. So I didn't get to be part of the Cheeky Monkeys team! But it did get me out of the sun. After work, we had a special 4th of July dinner with just our family (Mic went back up north for the party at my mom's younger brother's house).
I would like to add that, I did actually use the cell phone 3 times. And Lexi didn't need it.
I had to keep using Kelsey's!!! And I still couldn't find them!!!
so do u 2 always argue oh and sounds like away fun 4th of july
Lexi: I saw them. You were just in the wrong place.
Sher: Kinda, sometimes
To Tashi: That's the point. I didn't see them, I was trying to get to them, but you had the phone, and you weren't trying to get to them. I NEEDED the phone. I will forgive you though, I'm getting my own phone on Tuesday!
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