My singing teacher complimented me yesterday! Yay! She said that I don't do so well on my warm-ups, but whenI actually sing the song, I sound really good. She said that some people are better at their warm-ups and that doesn't help them because they never get to show-off thier warm-ups in front of people.
I changed my blog skin, if you didn't notice. I think it's my favorite so far.
I'm starting my own little book collection. When I earn money, I spend it on books off of Amazon Japan. I'm going to buy all the books on my 9th grade reading list. So far I have the Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis, the Shadow Children series by Margaret Peterson Haddix, "Christy" by Catherine Marshall, "The Chosen" by Chaim Potok, and "Time Enough For Drums" by Ann Rinaldi. I like reading right before I go to sleep.
Here's some of my favorite icons:

It's okay Daddy, I think it's time they knew...
by the way, that was Tashi posting "It's okay Daddy, I think it's time they knew...", signed in as me.
I thought you'd like the "My Squishy" one
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