^ My friends Bear and Trisha, on our field trip to Monticello for our America and the Enlightenment class. My second time, and I loved it still!

^ The pumpkin I got to carve. I did it on a date. We didn't get a picture together, but obviously the pumpkin is more important. Can you tell I drew the Japanese face? (And left the carving to my date, or it would've turned out horribly)

^ My roommates, Haylea (a pregnant woman - my pillow!), Brittany (Greta's friend from back home, she was a Team Jacob girl.) Rachel was a Hannah Montana-obsessed-little-girl, and I was an Otaku (a Japanese nerd). Greta was performing in her show "Trojan Woman" at the time, and she was Brittany's other half, a Team Edward girl.

^ Me and Morgann as matching Otakus

^ At the Chestnut House, in Kelsey's room

^ Last home football game of the season. Yes, that is a 52 oz. Dr. Pepper. And I drank it all in one sitting. It was like the size of my torso! Good times.

^ I found out someone knew how to make legit, authentic, homemade, delicious sushi and made some for me. I was in heaven. Salmon and Shrimp!!!

^ I was SOOOOO happy...that's our bathroom

^ At Lee-hi's restaurant, after the concert

^Truman concert on campus. They were very very very good. I totally bought their CD and we listen to it all the time. They're brothers. And hot. Ahem.

^Right before the concert

^ pulling the "Morgann" face

^ frolicking in the mountains

^ Blue Ridge Parkway at sunset is AMAZING

^ after our Bella Voce concert

^ when Morgann's family came out to visit her and we went window shopping in downtown Lexington. I had so much fun!

^ I love this little town. It's so old but kept up!

^After making a banner to advertise an Institute activity

^ dressed up for the Homecoming game (SVU won!)

^ Alexander's Ice Cream Emporium.

^ In front of our dorm. The view from our dorm in all directions is breathtaking - and this was taken before all the leaves changed.

Sorry that was kind of lame. But just so you can see how much fun I've been having. I have one more class, then I'm leaving with Rachel right after to go home with her for Thanksgiving. She lives in North Carolina. I've never been to that state, so I'm excited to go, meet her family, and take a break from school. Hopefully I'll get more pictures from that.