All the tiny font on the back is people's names. But for privacy reasons, I won't zoom in.
Isn't that nice for 7 dollars?
Elder Holland came to our Stake Conference last Sunday. It was amazing. He has a good sense of humor, but the serious points he makes are very strong. The whole week before he came, I was very depressed and didn't know why. The same thing happened before I met President Monson (even though I didn't know I was going to meet him ahead of time.) Satan was really working on me trying to control my emotions. But it just makes me feel the Spirit so much more when I meet them and strengthens my testimony. Satan fails haha. So I have met and talked David Archuleta, President Monson, and Elder Holland in less than a year. How lucky is that? Nauvoo is the place to be!
They are always so full of the Spirit. How awesome would it be to have your testimony show in every conversation? Or just in your presence? (Without being self-righteous.)
I got to shake his hand. He said I looked like a Dr. Seuss character! I just think that's so funny. Instead of just a hello, he was actually trying to find unique about each person who came up to him. I definitely won't forget what the prophet or this apostle said to me personally. My testimony was definitely strengthened by meeting them. Whenever I feel like I can't take anymore discouragement in my life, Heavenly Father sends me something amazing to keep me cheerful. How can you not feel cheerful when the prophet or an aspotle speaks? And knowing the talk was especially for our stake made it so much better than a general conference talk.
Elder Holland's talks are very sharp and makes you proud (a good proud) to be a member of the church. The gospel is so amazing!
I just finished reading this book A Countess Below Stairs. It was very lovely. I read another book by Eva Ibboston back in September too (The Reluctant Heiress). They were both romance novels set in Europe in the 20's. They are very well written and completely pull you in because you need to focus to keep everything straight. There are a lot of characters and it always keeps you on your toes. Look into them! They're clean and this lady know what she's writing about because she was born in Vienna and went to college in England.
We're watching Bleak House by Charles Dickens as a family right now. It is very good so far.