I got better! A total miracle! Thanks to the prayers of my friends. I love you guys!
I guess I did okay. Everyone says I have this pure in innocent voice. I wasn't trying to sing like that...
Anyways, I'm glad I'm not sick anymore, and that I was able to go to my recital. Yay! Yay me! Yay Maika! Yay Yuli!
How was your recital--were you nervous? What is it like to sing in front of a large audience? Your picture was beautiful of you singing.
Yes, I've been taking voice lessons sonce Febraury of this year.
I was so nervous I thought I was going to die. I made 2 mistakes...
Pure and innocent is good. You don't want to sound like Christina Aguilara or Def Leopard! It just wouldn't match your sweet spirit and happy face.
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