Saturday, June 15, 2013

Softball, crawling, and Heaven is Here

Would anybody be interested in me doing a tutorial for the Kansas Twister quilt? 

Bear is enjoying church softball. Thursday was his third week, and their first loss. He shows up in his college baseball uniform and the guys on the team like to joke about it. Lachlan and I go and watch him. 
Playing with the nursing cover
Being a stay at home mom was a bigger adjustment that I thought. But I wonder how different it would be if he got home at normal dinner time and we had two cars. It's nice to catch up on the reading and quilting that I don't get to do during school, but I miss Bear always being home when I'm home and the freedom of having the car most of the time.
Lachlan found a friend in the mirror
Lachlan gets up on his hands and knees and does a real crawl every once in a while. It's the cutest!
I get to be his mommy

Good hair day

I finished the purple block. I put a quarter on this time to show the size.

I went Father's Day shopping yesterday. The one thing that he actually asked for makes me laugh. I felt so silly checking out at Sports Authority.

We get to go boating with a coworker after Bear gets home from work today so I'll post pictures of that and Father's Day next!

I also  finished reading Heaven is Here by Stephanie Nielson.

I was quite happy with this book. The main message was one of hope and faith. And so I'm actually a little peeved that people are choosing to focus on the little details of her financial situation. It's not your business. It doesn't matter how they were able to pay for flying lessons etc. She didn't deserve what happened to her - rich or poor. And just because her extended family was able to buy them a house after the crash...I have no room to judge. It sounds like some people are just jealous. We can never judge people's personal lives. If you're focusing on her money, you have missed the whole message of this book.

I was kind of bored with the first half because I wanted to get to the details about the crash, but I realized she really wanted you to see how every aspect of her life was affected, and how she had to start all over and push through. Her marriage and family could have totally fallen apart but because she had hope, she made it through.

I also love her determination to be a good mom. I went and held my baby for a long time once I was finished reading, Her book reminds us of what's really important - hope, faith, family, being strong through adversity, and love. I hope to meet her someday.


  1. I would LOVE a tutorial fo your kansas twister quilt =)

  2. The tutorial would be great! It looks so pretty. I love when babies find themselves in the mirrors. Lachlan is one of the cutest babies I've ever seen :) Liked your review of Heaven Is Here. I thought the same thing about the finance drama. The book wasn't exciting or anything, but she shared a good message and went through a lot, you've got to respect her for that.


I love feedback! Even if it's just a sentence! Love, Lexi