- Why and How to Offer Choices
- Why? develop inernal motivation, build indpendence
- How:
- Limited choices - Don't allow your limit or buttons to be pushed with an exorbitant amount of options.
- Follow through!!! - Only offer options you will carry out and be sure your "team" (spouse, babysitters, teachers, etc.) are informed and support you in following through.
- Logical consequences - Make options related (Ex. If you eat broccoli, you can have frozen yogurt too, or you can choose no broccoli, nor dessert).
- Make the BEST choice ENTICING - teach them life is truly win-win or lose-lose. That is Heavnly Father's plan.
- Set your child up to succeed
- Patterns for Offering Choices (models from our Eternal Father)
- Genesis 2:16-17
- Invitation to make good choices (multiple options provied) - "any tree,except..."
- Forbid bad choice and name the negative consequence - "just not that, or you'll die"
- Proverbs Chapter 1
- Good choice and consequence provided
- Warning: bad choice and outcome named
- Re-mntion of good choice and positive outcome
- Malachi 3:10-11
- Invitation to make good choice ad consequence provided
- Encouragement/dare to try the good choice
- More positive outcomes listed
- Making the Best Most Appealing
- Genesis 2:16-17 "Andthe Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die."
- What are the choices? What are the consequences, stated or implied?
- Alma 37:35 Learn wisdom in thy youth...so you must teach wisdom to the very young.
- Notice and support your children's interests and talents. Supplement and promote healthy interests. Also, identify your children's weaknesses and lovingly help them strengthen those as well.
- Validation: As you engage your children in activities athome, remember responsibilities (chores) and service arecritical pars of helping them feel like contribting membrs of the family and society as a whole.Elder Ballad reminded us in the last General Conference, that like the bee who makes just 1/12 tsp. of honey in its lifetime, each member of yur family and God's family is important and has a meaningful role.
- Self-reflection: What do I do and offer to keep my children engaged in worthwhile activites at home?
- How do I model, for example, what do I do in my free time?
- Am I living (demonstrating) a journey of persona development ad learning?
- Thinking Things Through
- By offering choices and naming the outcome, we help children, ho developmenally are not prone to consider anything more than the immediae outcome, to do so.
- By listing choices and outcomes, we as parents have to think the scenario through an discipline ourselves to carry out consequence.
- Self-reflection: We teach through modeling (whether it is intentional or not). Consier, wat is the main take away lesson my children are gaining from our hoe and lifestyle?
- 3 Nephi 30:1-2 takeaway: Follow Christ and turn from sin, "that ye may be numbered with my people"
Thursday, May 02, 2013
Choices: Molding our Homes and Lives
From Dawn Antigua
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