Sunday, March 21, 2010

March Madness

Today is my half-birthday. I'm 18 and a half!

Time is going by a little too quickly. Our musical is already over. It's about 2 months til I graduate. And I feel like I've had a very successful/fulfilling month. I feel like I did very well at Solo and Ensemble contest and that my hard work paid off. It felt good to get something that I really wanted, and worked hard for, instead of being naturally born with it and taking the talent for granted. This month I also had my first jazz band performance and Elder Holland came to Nauvoo. And our play was amazing. All of the events above made me very busy and gave me little time to do homework and other important things - thus sending me to bed late. Then I would have to wake up early for seminary or the above events on the weekends so I've been very behind on sleep lately (not to mention daylight savings stole an hour from me too).

Our dress rehearsals were looking really rough and awful. It was not audience material. It was very stress-making. A girl in the musical and in Tashi's grade's mom died last Sunday and the funeral was on Wednesday. I went to the funeral instead of school. And it was my first funeral/viewing. Isn't that crazy? I didn't know Carly's mom personally, but it was still very very sad. The pastor talked about Resurrection, but not about families being forever. It made me very grateful. Carly has been really strong and came to school the day after her mom died, and went back to school after the funeral. And she still did an amazing performance.

I bought roses for my best friends in the play. I ordered red, but the florist ran out because of a funeral and I got stuck with pink instead. It was still pretty anyways.

Oh and I loved watching that BYU basketball game against Florida. My world history teacher was watching it on his little tv as we were walking into class and he said he was going to keep it on just to check scores every once in a while. He said he was going to turn it off if people stopped paying attention. Well, I wasn't paying attention until I realized it was BYU. So then me, Amanda, and Amber, the 3 Mormon seniors got really excited and cheering for BYU. It went into double overtime and was very intense. At first our teacher was like pay attention! But it gradually turned into "commercial break! okay back to our notes on the Battle of Midway..." It was so funny. After school you could hear kids in the hall saying "I hate BYU" bahahaha

I was in charge of tshirts for the musical. I wasn't assigned, but I took charge! I stayed up really late one night working on the design, and it was a real pain, but it was worth it. They look pretty snazzy if I do say so myself. They're black tshirts with "Thoroughly Modern Millie Junior" in red ink on the front, with the cast in white ink on the back. I got them for only $7 each from a guy here in Nauvoo!

It has been getting really warm here in Nauvoo. The grass is green already and you can hear birds chirping. But it randomly snowed on Saturday. It wasn't a lot, just a slushy snow, but it was still a little discouraging.

I have also heard the good news that a kid who graduated from my school last year that was investigating for a long time has been baptized. He told me all about it yesterday. I love conversion stories. It made up for my sadness of another friend falling away from the church. This has been a good month for me.

Now that the musical is over, I have time to quilt, earn money, work on scholarships, do my visiting teaching and other church acitivities easier, read, and get ready for college.

I still need to post pictures of the tshirts, talk about the musical performance and post pictures of that, and make the exciting post about where I'm going to college!

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