Sunday, February 21, 2010


I applied to 6 different places for college:

BYU - Provo
BYU- Idaho
U of Illinois - Springfield
Southern Utah University
Utah Valley University &
Southern Virginia University

I got accepted to all. I applied to all by Halloween and heard back from all of them except BYU Provo by the middle of November. But I just heard back from BYU Provo this past week. I was really starting to think I wasn't going to get in. But I did! The only problem is...I got accepted to summer term. I wasn't expecting or planning for that. I didn't even know that could happen.So here are my dilemmas:

1. I didn't think I was going to get accepted to BYU Provo, and was looking more towards SVU
2. I was planning on getting a summer job and saving a ton before I left. Yes I can get good jobs at BYU, but still
3. I was going to be in the Nauvoo Pageant with my family this summer
4. I don't think I can get any scholarships from BYU
5. I'm not sure if my dual-credit classes will transfer over to BYU
6. Virginia is way prettier than Utah (you know it's true)
7. People do go to BYU just to get married
8. My dual credit classes transferred right over to SVU and I've tested out of my language classes because of my Japanese
9. So I could finish my bachelor's degree in 3 years at SVU
10. I have a admissions counsellor and somebody setting up my class schedule for me at SVU that keep in touch with me all the time and are very reliable and helpful
11. I got a free tshirt from SVU (that's all that matters, right?)
12. I'm having a freshman study group being set up for me at SVU where all the kids will have the same classes as me
13. General authorities and such won't come give talks at SVU like BYU
14. SVU is expensive
15. The closest temple to SVU is the Washington D.C., which is a bit more of a drive than from BYU to the Provo temple
16. I will be surrounded by American history in Virginia (which I love)
17. They serve good southern pie in the cafeteria at SVU (gotta love the South!). That sounds much more appetizing than Mormon jello salad (haha jk jk)
18. I will have less time to spend with friends and family and get everything situated before I leave for BYU (June 21st for BYU vs. August 30th for SVU)
19. I will have relatives and friends in Utah that I already know and can help me if I need it (even though everybody's moving or going on missions all of the sudden haha)
20. Virginia is on the East Coast which is very cool for many reasons
21. I don't know anybody personally that has gone to SVU so it will be an adventure and I won't just be following the crowd by going to BYU-Provo or Idaho
22. Virginia is a closer drive. And the campus is older and cooler
23. It will be a small liberal arts college that doesn't sound as intimidating or competitive or lonely as BYU
24. I have a better chance of getting scholarships at SVU
25. Whether I go to BYU or SVU, it will be pretty far away from home and make me more indeiependent
26. I have a better chance of going to go study abroad at SVU
27. It would be less competitive to be in the clubs and extracurricular activities at SVU
28. Both schools provide the major I'm thinking about
29. No matter where I go, I'll always be a Cougars fan

Do you see why I'm so confused? I thought once I got my BYU acceptance letter I would just go there and everything would work out perfectly. And of course everyone's telling me to go to the BYU's because they went or their kids went and liked it. But nobody close to me is giving me feedback on SVU.I danced with a kid in my stake last night that got accepted to BYU-Hawaii. Craziness.

So I'm still thinking and praying.


  1. I had similar problems last year. I give you all the luck in the world! I ended up turning down a scholarship to BYU to be in the leadership program at UVU. I didn't have a lot of reasons for doing it but it sure felt right. I can now see why I needed to be at UVU. These choices are way too hard, right? Good luck, and I will keep you in my prayers!


  2. It sounds like a hard decision. God knows the answer to all the most important questions. Make a decision.- Proceed with that decision- Pray for peace in that decision. If you still find you are feeling conflicted. Change your decision and start over.You may not have total knowledge that what you are doing is right,( you have to have faith after all), but when you find peace you will have made the right choice. Good luck in this big decision.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I am a graduate from Southern Virginia University and loved it there. They just came out with some awesome new videos about the university. I though you might gain some perspective from them.

    For me the big reasons I went to SVU and stayed are: There's a wonderful, close LDS community where I have made life-long friends. The unique kind of education I loved so much and changed the kind of person I am. Anyway I could go on and on...

    AND I love Wives and Daughters. My wife and I saw it about a 6 months ago. Awesome way to spend ... 5 hours, is it?

  5. Thanks for the video link, Nathaniel! It was good to hear a review from a real person who actually went too. I went out and visited in January and really liked it.

    And thanks, Mary! That's what I've been trying to do, with lots of prayer. I just don't want to make the mistake of making a decision too fast, but I don't want to waste any time either. We'll see what happens

  6. So, I'm dying to know if you made a decision yet?! It's a tough one, and from your post it sounds like you are leaning towards SVU.

    I always struggle with those choices- which one is best since they're all good? But remember, it isn't up to Heavenly Father to tell you where to go, it's for you to decide, and then get his "approval". (Sometimes I have a hard time remembering that.)

    SVU sounds like a great adventure! But BYU Provo is a pretty cozy place- and you can always call me or Kelly if you ever needed anything!

    Good LUCK! And enjoy this time of life- I refer to it as "the selfish years" ... it's your time to be you!


I love feedback! Even if it's just a sentence! Love, Lexi