Tashi fixed our big flower pin! We bought it off etsy, and it broke the first day we wore it. It was lame. But I didn't really have enough hair for it anyways. So I kept not having the umph to fix it. Luckily Tashi did finally.
I wish I had the time to curl my hair everyday.
This is my mom's valentine:
This is Tashi eating her boyfriend. She got asked to prom this weekend (not by the chocolate cake)! Squee! We shared a dateless weekend together. The chocolate cake became our best friend.
This is my favorite neckalce (besides my YW medallion of course!) I have a necklace obcession right now. And I had too many valentines choices of clothing and accesories this weekend.
Well I hope you had a good Vday, whether you had a shmexy date or not. I hope you had lots of chocolate. I don't think people should be depressed, it doesn't matter if you have a significant other or not! Don't let other people determine your happiness! You eat that chocolate! haha
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