Sunday, January 25, 2009

Lexi's High School Musical

Lexi wanted to be part of the school musical - Bye Bye Birdie. That was before she realized it would take over her life.

But by the time she realized it, it was too late. Being in scholastic Bowl was not a good enough excuse to audition, according to Lexi's chorus teacher.

So she explained that she wanted a small part, or something backstage that wouldn't require her to be at practice everyday.

The results were up. What part does she get?...Kim Macaphee. One of the leads. Luckily, Lexi's friend is her double and they will both only do 2 of the 4 nights. But this friend named Amber has an amazing voice that can't compare to Lexi's.

Finally Lexi accepted her fate. She had to quit Scholastic Bowl (what kind of a nerd is this girl?!). She now practices for 2 hours everyday after school except Fridays, thank goodness. And luckily she doesn't have to kiss Conrad Birdie like in the movie. Ew.

And now she has songs running through her head all day..."Oh give me one last kiss..." "How lovely to be a woman..." "Hi Alice, tell me quick about Hugo and Kim!..." "One boy, one special boy..."

This period of Lexi's life will end at the end of March.

Lexi's Monday-Friday:
Be at seminary aby 6:45 am
Be at the bus stop at 7:50 am
Go to school from 8:30-3:30
Play Practice from 3:30-5:30
Get home at 6:30 ish
Have a couple of hours before I go to bed because I have to wake up really early the next morning.

And Lexi doesn't have a job...not that she has time anyways...all the juniors' homeroom is replaced with studying for the ACT. So no time to do homework at school. Lexi doesn't have enough money for the prom dress she wants. And her hair won't grow. And she is taking 2 college classes. Goodness.


  1. I love how it is written in 3rd person!!

  2. Now you can just appreciate better the boring times when they return. I wish I could see you in the play. You will do great.


I love feedback! Even if it's just a sentence! Love, Lexi