Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Happy New Year 2008!!!

I had an amaza-zing new years!!! I went to a party at Gina's aunt's house in Highland. Sam and of course Gina were there, Bobski from American Fork, Marlyn and Mitch, and Cassidy from Orem, Katie, and Marlyn's cousin Danica from Cali. Woot woot! We played air hockey, guitar hero, DDR, ate pizza, had pillow fights...I had so much fun except that I started getting sick and almost fell asleep before midnight. Sam and Gina had to wake me up by wacking me with pillows. I blew my nose so much, I went through 2 rolls of toilet paper. Sorry Aunty Tiff! The dual of air hockey that we had when Bobski was on my team and Gina and Sam were a team...wow! Talk about intense and very funny. I swear Bobski was high on something. He was freaking crazy. Oooh and the pillow fight...girls against boys. Good one, good one. I was playing air hockey with Gina, and I wanted to go to the bathroom but she wanted me to finish the game so I was holding it then she said something really funny, and I crumpled on the ground laughing. Gina came and jumped on me, right on my bladder...and you can guess the rest. I had to change my pants.Then the strap on Marlyn's dress broke, and Gina was playing sword fight and her brand new, super cute, American Eagle jeans ripped. Hopefully my mom can fix them. I fell asleep at about 3 in the morning on the recliner. Gina came to sleep with me and eventually took over the recliner so I had to search the house for another pillow and blanket and make my own bed on the floor. I was very cranky because that was 5 in the morning. Whew I said some crazy things because I was so tired. We woke up at 10:30, watched Hannah Montana, got ready, and left. Everyone was walking zombies in the morning. Gina almost went on a date with Mitch, but Gina's sister had to be home at a certain time and we slept in and it took us forever to get ready, so she didn't get to. But she's going on a date with him this Saturday!!! Woot! Because I was so sick, and I didn't get any sleep, I was a wreck. We went to Mitch's house before we left, though. I slept on Gina's lap on the way home and got a dead arm. I tried to take a hot bath when I got home but there was no hot water, so I went to bed at 7, and woke up at 8 the next morning. 13 hours - I felt so much better. Oh and I didn't get a New Years kiss btw. I hope the rest of you did! Okay, so my New Years sounded negative, but I had CHO fun haha.

The Christmas sales are crazy, so I got these 2 things while I was "up north". Yeah, make fun of us all you want, Mitch! Cute, huh?

1 comment:

  1. CHO fun!!!! hehehe, that night was hilarious! even with the ripped jeans and all. . . I LOVE YOUR GUTS LOU BERT, never forget it okay?


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