Monday, December 03, 2007

Deep Thanks to kElLY

THANK YOU KELLY!!!!!!!!!!!
We got family pictures taken 2 weeks ago, and I've been checking the mail everyday for the CD of photos from Kelly. She takes the mostest
amaza-zing pics.

Sisterly affection

She makes me look Bee-yu-tee-ful!

You'll have to look at us close-up

Awwww All of us beautiful squishies happened because of these two

Noah is definitely a squishy

Haha Mia's always in the back
I wish I would have curled my hair but aw well

Look at that cute squish

3 Stout women

She shall be mine, and I will call her squishy

She's learning to pout from me (good girl!)

Look at our fat legs! Yummy!

My lips look really weird aha

Kelly loves this series, so of course I got her to take a pic of it


1 comment:

  1. I don't think I have ever seen Gracie pout. She is always so happy and smiley.

    I love the pics. You guys are so beautiful (and definately do not have fat legs). I love my nieces and nephews bunches and bunches.


I love feedback! Even if it's just a sentence! Love, Lexi