Sunday, November 04, 2007

Halloween 2007

I was so thankful for that 4-day weekend and no work all week except for Thursday. And only having school on Wednesday and Friday. I had a fun Halloween, but lots of strange things happened.
(above: our drama class finally had our post-poned play on Halloween day. It was called If Boys Wore the Skirts. I had so much fun with Wade and Dillon/Sharpie and seeing them wear skirts during the play. I had the main part - Connie with Sharpie - Matt. Gina was my best friend Arlene, and so it was natural and fun. I got a lot of compliments about being a natural - it's because I naturally over react and pull the weirdest variety of faces. Just ask my friends. Mr. Shields, my drama teacher told me to use that to my advantage and so when I had to overreact to a situation in the play so that it would be noticeable to the audience, it was natural. ahahaha)
(above: all of my friends dressed up to go trick-or-treating with Mia and Noah. We were using them as an excuse to go. Me, Tashi, and Gina are Shibuya Girls. Sam is Chuck Norris, and Ethan is a rock star with tattoo nylons on his arms. ahahahahaha)
(above: my cute, squishy pinky piglet-Gracie. We went to our ward Halloween party, and Kaitlyn's sweet 16 party, and it was a Pioneer dance. Then we went and parTYed at Gina's house. Me and Tashi slept over. And we watched 2 movies. Premonition was FREAKY!)

So yes, that pretty much sums up my Halloween ahahahahaha

1 comment:

  1. well that sounds fun
    graci is so cute hao old is she?


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