Well, my crazy week of "turning-in-last-minute-assignments-and-trying-to-get-extra-credit-before-the-term-ends" is finally over.
It was so stressful.
But now I have a wonderful 3-day weekend to look forward to. And I don't work any of those days, and I got to go to the temple finally. I haven't been able to go since May. I wish they didn't have to reserve as a stake to go to the temple. That's what I miss about the Tokyo temple. And just hopping on the train by myself.
And then I got to hang out with all my friends (Sam, Ethan, Cortney, Kaitlyn, and Mike) after that. I love screech-laughing my head off with Gina. But I think it annoys people. But I do it anyways. Apples to Apples was so funny. So many inside jokes - "mac & tash", "tash = tash + ???" ahahahahaha
I don't have to work tomorrow - Sunday. The first Sunday in weeks!!! I finally told my boss I can't work on Sundays anymore. And then on Monday we get to go up north with Gina, Spencer, Mike, and Amanda. Hooray!!! Happy day!
I'm loving my life right now. Laughing your guts out is definately a good thing.
Mac's my buddy.