Saturday, June 30, 2007

Late Night Party and Air Hockey Tournament

The first half of my week was hard because I had to work on Sunday (luckily it was the shift after church). This happened because I had taken so much time off of work for Girl's Camp and Youth Court Conference. And I hadn't recovered from my sleep deprivation from staying up late every night at YCC. I worked Monday and Tuesday too. I went to the pool after work on Tuesday with Eden and Tashi. we made up a marvelous plan. Afterwards, we had to make some changes to the plan, but it still ended up really fun. I will tell you about those plans later. On Wednesday, all the kids got back from JYC, which I really wanted to go to. But anyways, we had a simple, spiritual Mutual on Wednesday. After Mutual, me and Tashi went to sleepover at Sherokee and Kaytlyn's house. We all just slept out on the trampoline. But I still hadn't recovered from sleep deprivation, so I ended up going to sleep really early.

Thursday morning, I got a call from Sam. He asked me to be in the music video he and Noah were making for the 4-H contest. Guess what song it was? If you guessed Lollipop by Mika, I give a round of applause. I would have guessed that too. But no, it was Grace Kelly by Mika. Tashi ended up being in it too. It's really funny, and they did a good job. I hope they win. When they send it to me, I'll post it.

We all went to Teen Council together, but Noah hit the curb really hard with his car, and all of his oil leaked. So we had to clean up the oil and tow his car away. When that was done we went to Sam's house and finished filming the music video. The guys paid for the pizza we ordered for dinner to say thanks. Sam was supposed to be babysitting his nephew and niece, so we helped him with that. After Sam was done babysitting, Kember, Gina, Jessica, and Sam came over to watch Pride and Prejudice at our house. We weren't able to finish it though. Eden would have slept over, but she hadn't mowed the lawn, and Noah had to edit the music video. The next morning Sam, Noah, Eden, and Gina came over again for a hockey tournamentin our barn!!! The late night party and the air hockey tournament were my plans! And they actually worked out! I had so much fun! Thanks for coming over you guys!

Tournament winners:
1st place - Gina
2nd place: Sam
3rd place - Alexa

At the air hockey tournament:

(above: little Noah and big Noah)

(above: Gina and Eden)

(above: Sam and Noah competing)

(above: Gina and Eden again)

Quote of the Day
I am what I am
I know what I'm not
I'm not the type of girl who will settle for less when I deserve more
This is how it is and this is how it's going to stay
Right up until my dying day
I am not a coloring book, people can't color me just how they want to
I'm not going to rush my life, I've got a whole lifetime
I don't have to live forever, I just have to live
But bad decisions lead to tragic endings
So I know what I am, what I have been, and what I will be = me

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