Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Random pics and videos

I'm just going to post a whole bunch of random pictures. Have fun!
This is a 4 generation picture: me - Lexi, my mom - Julie, my mom's mom - Suzanne, and mom's mom's mom - great-grandma Vera!
Noah is morphing into "Fillmore Boi" - he's turning into a cowboy!
This is a picture I took from our car window - the side of the freeway by our house - COWS!
I cut this out of colored paper and taped it to our corkboard in our room. We ♥ Tokyo!
Aaaaaah! Tashi took this picture of me haha
Tashi with straight hair!!! Scary!!! Run for your lives!!!!!!!!


  1. センセー、センセー、Tashiはストレートパーマかけたんですかー??


  2. no, 友達の家行ったら、こんな姿で帰ってきた!アイロンをかけたらしい。




I love feedback! Even if it's just a sentence! Love, Lexi