Sunday, December 24, 2006

The Night Before Christmas

It's Christmas Eve, yaya!
We had early morning seminary, then I sang "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" during sacrament meeting, and I was so nervous my knees were shaking. We got cookies during Sunday School, and some hair doo-dads from Young Womens. Then we went to Kousuke's baptism at Koiwa. He's 15, and he has been wanting to be baptized and his parents finally said yes. The youth sang "We'll Bring the World His Truth" for him, and the Nanjos drove us home.

I gave the Nanjos a Napoleon Dynamite 2007 calendar. I knew they would love it, I almost couldn't keep it a surprise. And they got so excited, they want to hang it their living room because they'll fight over whose room it would go in.

Anyways the baptism was really good and we came home and read the Christmas story, ate cheesecake, and opened 1 gift - jammies. And we got lots of yummy goodies from lots of people and the Nanjos gave us a Santa decoration that rocks.

I need to go to bed - Santa won't come!!!


  1. Santa came to my house!!!
    He gave me DVD of "JACK"!
    I woke up and soon watched it.

  2. アレクサのところにサンタさん来たんだネー☆

  3. うん、サンタ来たよ!!


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