Sunday, September 17, 2006


It was nice and hot yesterday! Mia's yochien had a performance during the elementary school undoukai, so we went to go see that. I got sunburned even though I was there for about 30 minutes. Chie, Seiji and their baby were there to see Hana perform, and we got to see Hana and Shosho dance. Very cute!
We were going to babysit for the Vilburns to go on a date, but they cancelled. I was kind of glad. I didn't know if I could handle 4 kids under the age of 9 and get them to bed. I didn't feel good yesterday.
Don't you love my new blog "skin"/layout? Everybody who does, give a cheer by posting a comment!
Church was really interesting today, but my dad just got home so I want to go spend time with my family. Bye for now.

Oh, and I almost forgot. A big announcement:
My birthday is this Thursday!

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