Thursday, September 07, 2006

I've been looking forward to today

Yay! Today is here! We're having our first once-a-week mutual! And we're going to be able to meet the new missionaries. Yay! And we're going to quilt scripture covers! Yay!

- Later -
We didn't have enough time but it was fun. And I got to meet the new Elder.
I watched The Lizzie McGuire movie today. Gotta love chick flicks! And I'm working on a new embroidery project. It's very cute if I do say so myself!


  1. I am looking forward to next Thursday!!!!

  2. Are we doing quilting again next Thursday?

  3. I was thinking we will quilt on every Thursday.haha!


I love feedback! Even if it's just a sentence! Love, Lexi