Saturday, August 12, 2006


I haven't had a sleepover that good in a long time! we each made our own pizzas for dinner, then watched High School Musical and Narnia. Then we all practiced Napoleon's dance, because we want to be able to dance it perfectly. We all gradually fell asleep. I love those 2 movies (and Napoleon's dance)! Then we had the best church acitivty the next day. All we did was play games. We played Dippy-Dippy-Dip, Wink-killer, Old Maid, Mafia, and Fruit Basket. We had so much fun. I hope they plan more activities like that in the future.


  1. So, who slept over? Was this for yw or just friends? How many of you? We used to play a really dumb game called pig oink at sleepovers. We put our pillows over our head and bumped into each other and if you were it you would say "pig" and the person you bumped into would say "oink" and then you would try to guess who it was by the sound of their voice. We sometimes got hurt but it made us laugh.

  2. That sounds way fun. I want to try it next time. We had 3 yw sleepover. They're actually sisters. They're the ones I posted pictures of on the family site. Mana will turn 18 in a couple of weeks, Maika is 8 months older than me, and Ribeka is 8 months younger than Tashi.


I love feedback! Even if it's just a sentence! Love, Lexi